Tuesday, February 15, 2011

it's time to listen and....

give my body what it needsFood wise, this has been sort of a cleansing month.  February has been a "food detox" of sorts.  It's a transitional month, in that March is the month I start a new diet & exercise routine.  I wanted to wait until the mountains of snow had melted down a bit so I could take the dog out for morning walks.  Plus, when it's warmer outside there is a lot more motivation to get out there and be active.  But this goal is about so much more than diet & exercise.  It's knowing my body.  Listening.  Learning to figure out when I need to give in or tweak things a little bit.  Making sure I get the proper nutrients to make me feel good.  Adequate rest so I have time to heal, and don't wake up grumpy.  I need to learn how to become less reliant on the wrong foods for comfort, and more reliant on the right foods for health and happiness.  Buying a cart full of healthy foods feels so much better than filling it with junk.  It's so nice to leave the store with a clear conscience.  I know I'm doing the right thing for myself and my family buy buying wholesome nutritious foods.  I know that If I eat a few slices of veggie thin crust pizza I feel tons better than a thick slice of greasy meat pizza, which immediately puts me into a food coma.  I know that my skin will clear up if I load up on fresh fruits and veggies.  It's just really simple things that aren't always fun or cool, but at the end of the day you can feel safe, sound, have peace of mind.  Here are some examples of what I will be working on in the next few months:
  • eating more healthy, natural foods
  • becoming more active, going on a daily morning walk
  • limiting junk foods, esp. "trigger" foods that will lead to a binge (like brownies or buttery cheesy breadsticks)
  • setting up a descent bed time for myself
  • wearing clothes that are comfortable and appropriate for the weather
  • showering right after work to relax and ensure that I won't forget to wash my makeup off before I fall asleep
  • engage in mindful entertainment.  Knit if I am watching a movie, take the initiative to research what I am interested in instead of thinking "someday I would like to learn...."
  • keep setting mini goals and methodically organize and de-clutter every room in the house
  • learn how to meditate comfortably
  • figure out time management to get more done while also scheduling in "me" time
  • journaling more often.  Not art journaling.  Just words.  Letting go of the chaos in my mind.

Basically I just want to be a grown up. 


Heather said...

good luck with all of your plans! I can so relate to a lot of what you said. Especially the last sentence!! I do need to eat better, organise better and just use my time more wisely.

Nicole Coffin. said...

Thanks Heather. My phone won't let me follow you right now, but I'll make sure I get on my laptop tonight. I like your scrapbook pages. :)

Amy said...

Hey Nicole,

I LOVE your goals....I feel the same way..I am trying to eat better..get healthy.....I joined the gym yesterday in hopes to get rid of the blahs and to get back into shape......
We need to start writing again..I miss your letters.....Good luck with all of your plans...I am sure you will make them all happen......


Jamie said...

These are all great goals, I wish you the best of luck with them all! I have a HORRIBLE sweet tooth, I could eat ice cream and candy and cookies for days. I've learned now that if I just don't buy it, it won't be in the house to eat. I've always been a "dessert" person so after dinner if I have a craving I'll make a mug of hot chocolate or chai tea. It totally helps!!