Thursday, April 28, 2011

Oh, Nutella.

nutella for dinner. all started when I asked Lilly what she wanted for breakfast for her birthday.  "Nutella pancakes?," is what I knew she would say, but then, I didn't get it.  Now I do.  I totally do.  I always assumed that I wouldn't like it.  I've had hazelnut coffee, and thought it was super disgusting, so why would I like a hazelnut spread??  I'll tell you why; because it tastes like frosting.  The kind of chocolate frosting you would expect if Jesus handed you a cupcake.  Oh.  My. God.  Well, needless to say, a jar of it always remains in the cupboard (half empty).  Even KC loves it.  If you haven't tried it yet, you should.  You can justify it as being "good for you", because it has nuts in it.  Right?  Well, the package is pretty if nothing else.  Did I mention that it tastes like chocolate frosting?


Paulie Antiques said...

adoreeee that photo!

Cyndi loves to stitch said...

Makenna had to buy a jar recently while we were shopping. I had never tried it.....was a bit apprehensive since I don't like a lot of things...........but I do like peanut butter!! We had it on just bread first. It wasn't bad. It was ok, but for me, not the OMG I have to have it again feeling. But we did have it on toast next, better! I have given it thought several times about mixing it with other things. Seems like it would be a great salty sweet combo, but I haven't experimented with it yet. I also still think about your pepperjack grilled cheese......not tried it yet either but I will, love melted pepper jack on a sub. Never remember to make one when there is pepper jack in the house. Have a great day!! Will be thinking about food all day now! lol!

Jessi said...

I am allergic to Nutella - as a kid I was jealous of other kids who got to have it!

Jamie said...

I only recently (like 2 months ago) discovered nutella and I am in looove!!

Cheray Natalie... said...

ahhh it's so good! While I was in Perth I ate it on toast almost everyday for 2 weeks! ;)
I was never allowed nutella growing up, and we never have any in our house (probably a good thing as i'm sure i'd eat it everyday! hehe)

Amy said...

Nicole....I go through JARS AND JARS of NUTELLA!!!!! I LOVE it...It is my guilty pleasure......

wickedsnicket said...

The kind of chocolate frosting you would expect if Jesus handed you a cupcake

OMG! Best description of Nutella EVER!!

Teddi said...

it's also high in iron & there is calcium in it too right? so it's not just a guilty pleasure.