Tuesday, May 11, 2010

happy mother's day

 3 days late, i know.  that's what happens when you're a busy mother.  time flies right out the window.  that personal time you get for yourself has to be claimed desperately in 4 minute increments.  if you can manage to stay awake while they are asleep, this works nicely as well.  i hope all you mommys out there had a good mother's day.  i slept in, had breakfast in bed, went plant shopping with my mama, went out to eat, and to the movies.  i got construction paper cards and tissue paper flowers.  i'd like to say i didn't have to break up any fights or to tell them to calm down, but that would be untrue.  the day i'm free of that is the day i'll realize that all the sudden they're not little anymore, and i'll probably start to cry.

i recently saw this movie and i cried 3 times.  it is heartbreakingly honest.  you have to see it!

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