Thanks to my grandma getting a new oven, we finally now have a working one. I am beyond grateful. Since Tuesday night we've had these dinners:
-chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, green beans, walnut chocolate chip cookies
-DiGiornio pizza & bread sticks (supreme), broccoli, peaches
-pork loins, roasted carrots & potatoes, cinnamon apples
Having all your kitchen appliances in working order makes it so easy to get dinner on the table. Yes, I could have (and did) prepared meals without an oven, but it's nice to not have to stress over weather you can
prepare the diner or not. I mean, it's hard enough deciding what to eat in the first place! Trying to eat healthfully, affordably, and excitingly (eventually Subway gets very
very old) is extremely difficult to accomplish every night. There is peace of mind that you are doing the right thing when you cook meals for your family and eat with them. The kids can feel special when they help prep food (and the teaching opportunities are endless), you know exactly what is in your food (it is so hard to have an actual balanced healthy meal when you get take-out all the time). Even at sandwich joints, which is where we ate from most of the time (enter kid meals that come with a choice of chips or a cookie. I'm talking about you Quiznos). It's also great to teach cleaning off a dish and thanking the person who cooked you food instead of just throwing trash away. Veggies becoming a dinner staple again (not just a random pickle in a sandwich), have become a great bargaining chip too. Yeah you can have a peach. After you eat all your broccoli. Breakfast was pretty simple to do without an oven. We did have a range top that worked. :) But it is fun to know that we can now have things like quiche, and muffins. So yes, I am beyond thrilled. And just in time for my favorite season! What are you all cooking up?