Tuesday, January 11, 2011

how to make a doggie bed.

     I wanted to share with you all a little diy I came up with the other day, inspired by project restyle (click on the link in my sidebar for details). doggie bed before after
  Our doggie was getting a wee bit too big for his puppy bed, so he needed a new one, see.... 
somebody is getting too big for his bed.I'm broke and I can't sew, so naturally I thought of the very green living approach, shopping in my own house for supplies...

We had a micro-suede comforter that was really soft and cushy (but nobody ever wanted to use because the un-natural fibers were uncomfortable to sleep in), and had some cute doggie print fleece on hand.  One of my Christmas gifts to the girls was making no-sew fleece blankets together.  The girls tried, bless their hearts, ...but little fingers cut wobbly lines when working with fleece....

 My instructions are pretty simple....
1. Grab an old comforter, and about a yard of patterned fleece, and a yard of contrasting solid colored fleece.
2.  Fold up your comforter to a good size for your dog.
3.  Lay your fleece out on top of the folded comforter.
4.  Cut excess fabric all around the edges of the comforter, leaving about a 5 inch boarder all around.
5.  Start cutting fringe all around the edges of your bed, in one inch strips, also cutting a square out at each corner.
6.  Starting at one corner, tie top and bottom pieces of fleece together at the fringe, double knotting.  Continue around the bed, leaving one side open at this point.
7.  Stuff bed with folded comforter.
8.  Finish tying off the last side.
9.  Trim fringe all around the bed so it is all relatively the same length.
10.  To wash, just untie one side again and wash cover and comforter separately.
Your doggie might settle right into his new bed as you are working on it....this is a good sign.  All my animals seem to like sleeping on fleece.  Hope you find this useful!

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